Sunday, March 8, 2009

D5 & 6 - day out.

Wooo! The first Saturday here. Well, we had a tour to east lake, museum, then to eat at a place where there are quite a number of Wuhan famous food, lastly to yellow crane tower. All of us took quite a number of pictures while at the east lake and all other places. As these pictures can be served as an wonderful memory and experience to us. (:
(thanks ci min for lip balm (: )
East lake.

meiyun (:

xiang yu & seok (:

meng meng! (:

grp C girls :D


shoot shoot.


Cute horr? hahhas. look into it...


octopus? :/

yellow crane tower.

tour guide (:

fail buddy ((:

benedict lau yew fei !!! -.=ll


with some lsct students.
Day 6. wake up early ( not really early, but it's quite early. hahahs ) today to go running with mengmeng and clive. ( first time running with wind-breaker on! :D) Ran for 20mins and I'm tired. grrr. But good good, at least i got exercise abit. hahahs. After running, when back hostel to bathe and prepare to go for lunch and then to the theme park!! Met outside hostel at 1pm, and we set of to the theme park. hahhs (: Took a bus ride approximately 40 mins. I played rollar coster and vikings ( haidao chuan) only, as their theme park doesn't collect entry fee, but pay when you play. hahhhas, so i limited myself. It's still funfun! Good job ci min! :D
nice luggage :P gonna runnnn~

the 3 fav <3>

my supper! ( 4days?)

breakfast at canteen (:


charlotte. :D

Great team members (:

seok & steph (:

Fran (:

winson (:

fail. hahahhs :D

xinhui, hashanah & nadiyah (:

Happy Bday Joey! (:

Spare me some butts? LOLs


don't get lost.

rollar coaster :D


v huge candy floss! <3>


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